Point & click adventure, © KesieV 2016
Oh, come on.
We're all aware of the existence of urban legends and, in the Internet era, the lies have even shorter legs.
At least, that's the optimistic theory of the promoters of the enhanced digital natives - but information are often interpretations and truth is just an information coming from a trusted channels. We're rediscovering this the hard way during these days.
Time only changes the interpretations, these trusted channels and how you can reach them.
Back to the high school I wasn't exactly a genius in history but I clearly remember that I learned that Egyptian slaves built the pyramids. Probably I can't remember dates or names but I still remember the infographics here and there on the book pages. Okay, nothing outstanding till here.
In 2003 Mark Lehner, Archeaologist, has found the city of the pyramid builders, proving that they were not slaves.
Today we still don't know the truth... I mean: we don't even know how they made it. There are still theories in 2016!
But that's not the point. There is a long chain of trust along the different channels this presumed truth travelled, from the Judeo-Christian tradition to catechism illustrated books, school and Hollywood films. Every channel trusted someone else in order to build its own sightly different version of the truth and that continues until it reaches you.
What does it mean? We don't have to trust anybody? Are the first hand facts the only truly true things? That means that every lesson learned by humanity in history has to be lived by every single human in order to be believed, in a monotonous spiral of repeated events. Probably that's the point of people who says that war is good for humanity, since the value of peace is evaluated when is truly missing, with a first person experience. Moreover, every lived experience is filtered by its past, thoughts, perspective and knowledge - so it's just a more intimate interpretation. I don't think that's the right way.
In my humble opinion, we should live and learn many versions of the same truth instead, ignoring the temptation of just looking for the interpretations that match our way of thinking - or running away from the one we think that are deeply controversial, subjective or false. Then we have to measure all of them with all the tools we have: science, experience, faith and, why not, trust. After a while, we'll have our version of that truth we can trade with others, being aware that they did the same with their own version.
It would be more easy if truth is everything that's not a lie. But we aren't machines and many of us likes to customize everything a bit, in order to spice up our lives, create something new or leave a sign of our existence. That's why I love humanity, but be aware of that and don't waste this gift.
Just play the game! Use the pointer for selecting and interacting with scene objects. You can combine the objects in your inventory, on the lower part ofthe screen, selecting them in the wanted order. Good luck!
(Want to share something? You can find me on Twitter!)
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