Skiing, © KesieV 2017
The time we crossed the starting line we felt that chill down the spine. Like them.
The sight of that twisting snowy track punctuated by endless opportunities and challenges was diving on us too, feeding our expectations and desire for victory.
And we also felt the atrocious pain of the first stab in the same back the ticking timer gave.
Unlike us, they are confortable with this bittersweet pattern of pain and excitement and can keep hitting the A BUTTON, going faster and faster across their entire life. Using LEFT and RIGHT for steering around the flags, dribbling obstacles and catching bonuses is a surprisingly balanced challenge: a mix of choices, strategy and personality that continuously evolves in rewards and failures.
And at checkpoints they can get a reward unconditionally: there is some time bonus for everyone - but the largest prizes goes to the best players. Winners are allowed to go even further, face harder challenges and even break hi-scores.
Some of them gave up a little too early, probably - and that's us. We are that guy that let the others in a hurry pass. We still find ourselves walking for short lenghts with our eyes closed from time to time. We are utopians dreaming of a track without hazards and prizes, with no winners and no losers - just us joyfully and freely tracing lines on the snow together.
And the price is disappearing from the challenge, no checkpoints, score or sense of progress. We want to grab the sides of this shaking track with both our hands and try to keep it as still and large as possible. But fear not: we are just a few and we all know that steering a road is nonsense. So the race can keep going on, making us a imperceptible irregularity of the the corners.
Happy holidays from Wright Magazine!
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