The Wright! Pinball
Pinball, © KesieV 2016
Most of the projects I've put together during these years are mostly one-man made and overall quality usually reflects that accordingly - no Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story) miracles in sight, sorry.
While it's easy to say that's due to my being solitary, which is weighted down by my natural repulsion for social network concepts, I think that the real reason could be another one. I love limits, evaluating them, working around them and even placing them around me.
But don't mistake me for one who loves challenges and to challenge himself: I can't stand any form of contest, test and evaluation. I think them as the easel and the canvas, the hammer and the marble or the instrument and the score of an artist: creativity arise from man but is glorified by the limits of the instruments in which is passing thru. In some way I disagree with the current definition of 'art' of Wikipedia, which puts technical skill and imagination as possible alternatives in artistic expressions: creativity have to be concretized in order to becoming art, so some technical skill is always required, and it naturally merges with the final opera.
So, I just like how software looks when it works around limits: remakes, demakes, chiptune, minimalism, pixelation, virtual reality are so fascinating - and I think that they're affine to art in some ways. But not everybody sees self-imposed limits as opportunities so...
Here am I, all alone.
After all, the first pinball with flippers, Gottileb's Humpty Dumpty (1947), tried - and succeeded - to add player reflexes in a game mainly based on luck, still featuring a slope and a ball as previous games. That's creativity and technique! It's time to make a pinball game without any good physics engine!
Ever wanted to know how working on Wright! is? Now's your chance! Every ball is a new lunch break: work on graphics, patch the JavaScript engine, code a new game and WIN! Press the A BUTTON for starting, LEFT/RIGHT for moving the flippers, hold DOWN for pulling the spring and release it for hitting the ball!
(Want to share something? You can find me on Twitter!)
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